More than 32 years experience as staff photographer on newspapers in the US (in Jackson, Mississippi;
West Palm Beach, Florida; Providence, Rhode Island; and San Jose, California) as well as a freelancer
working in Berlin, Seville, Istanbul, Tucson, and Bilbao.
1962 David Hornback. Born, Los Angeles, California.
National Press Photographers Assoc. USA College Photographer of the Year.
1989 Pulitzer Prize with the staff of the San Jose Mercury News for the coverage of
the Loma Prieta Earthquake near San Franciso in 1989.
1989 Covered the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989 for the San Jose Mercury News,
the Knight Ridder News Service and Reuters.
1984/85 1991/92 Freelance for National Geographic.
Covered return of American veterans to Normandy Beach 60 years after
original invasion, for a Texas magazine.
all photographs copyright © David Hornback
No use permitted without express permission of the author